A campanha "Programação de Férias" traz a linguagem cinematográfica para divulgar as opções de turismo no estado de Goiás. As peças, inspiradas em cartazes de filmes dos mais diversos gêneros, trazem a promessa de histórias inesquecíveis para quem escolher as cidades do estado como destino durante suas férias. Os cartazes geram a curiosidade sobre os filmes fictícios que, após a leitura, convidam a pessoa a viver essa aventura.
The "Holiday Schedule" campaign brings the language of cinema to spread the tourist options in the state of Goiás. The pieces, inspired by posters of movies of the most diverse genres, bring the promise of unforgettable stories for those who choose the cities of the state as a destination during their vacation. The posters generate curiosity about the fictional films that, after reading, invite the person to live the adventure itself.
The "Holiday Schedule" campaign brings the language of cinema to spread the tourist options in the state of Goiás. The pieces, inspired by posters of movies of the most diverse genres, bring the promise of unforgettable stories for those who choose the cities of the state as a destination during their vacation. The posters generate curiosity about the fictional films that, after reading, invite the person to live the adventure itself.